Tuesday 28 September 2021

Quatrain poems

 The breeze is fresh and free 

And it spikes a fire inside of me 

Nature is so pretty and sweet 

And from it I shall never retreat

The mountains above queenstown are crisp and clear 

With snowy caps full of beautiful fire 

Which lets no person staring at them full of fear 

No these are mountains for everyone to desire 

The grass is green 

The mountains are white 

The sky is blue 

And full of light 

Trees grow everywhere 

Strong thick, their beauty is clear

With colors red green and sometimes yellow    

No One looking at them could possibly lear 

Hello my name is Lotte and welcome to my blog! Today we are doing Quatrain poems if you don't know what a Quatrain is, it is a poem that originated in france and the way of defining it is that its a rhyming poem with basically no boundaries except a rhyming scheme but the good thing about Quatrains are that you can use all of the rhyming schemes as you can see above I have used the rhyming schemes AABB, ABAB ABCC and ABCB. I hope you enjoy this post!          



Monday 27 September 2021

Limerick poems

 There once was a dog named cat 

Who looked like an overweight cat 

Then he fell into hole 

And got renamed pole 

Some people helped by using  bat

There once was a clown named brown 

Who went crazy and burnt down the whole town 

He started to grin 

But he fell in a bin 

And now people could wear there fancy gowns

Kia ora welcome to my blog I hope you are having a lovely day so far. Today for poems we are doing Limericks are super fun but also have a lot of tencinal things when your making them for example it has  specific rhyming scheme where the the 1 line and the 2 line rhymes with each other and also the 5 line while all the other lines rhyme. The hardest part about this task is measuring the syllables in a limerick there has be a specific number of syllables making it really hard to rhyme and stay inside the sturter of a limerick but I somehow managed to do it. I hope you enjoy this post!   


Friday 24 September 2021


Hello today we are doing calendar art calendar art is art we do around this time of (this year we left it a bit late because of Lockdown) for our parents to display for the next year (that why its says 2022) We do calendar art every year and the theme is different this year the theme is place we want to go and I chose the queenstown and arrowtown mountains we also used warm and cool colors to create a contrasting effect. I hope you enjoy this post!        


3 things I would change about the world


Hello hola bonjour! welcome to my blog today I finished everything so I am doing my blog contract a blog contract are about twenty activities on a grid on my class site and they are for spare time I chose 3 things I would change about the world and did with my best friend elise I did climate change and a world without cancer because all of the people in my lifetime that have died because of cancer which has made me develop a bad fear of them .The hardest part about this task was talking about the experiences and fear I have had relating to cancer. I hope you enjoy this post!  



Hi Hello Hola bonjour kia ora I hope you are having a lovely day. Today for maths we are looking at transformations such as rotations reflections and translation, I did this slide with my best friend elise (who is also my table buddy yay) and you can see the slides I have done because they will say what kind of transformation they are above them. The hardest part of this task was trying to find logos that actually have transformations in them. I hope you enjoy this post!

Capillary Action


Hello I hope you are having a lovely day today! Today while the year sevens were at tech we looked at the capillary effect and made a slide about it in this slide you will find Equipment my beforehand prediction the Method and The science behind the experiment. There wasn't really a hard part of this task because I LOVE science so sorry if some of the slides are a little hard to understand. I hope this post inspires you to do it or do your own experiment to help get more people into science. I hope you enjoy this post!       

Thursday 23 September 2021

Clerihew poems

 Harry potter

Was a rotter 

One with sparkles and flair 

But one day he got stuck in old snapes lair 

Rose rivers

Was among vicious readers 

And when she became friends with her servants 

She got in trouble with her parents 

Lincoln loud

Was small and proud

With ten sisters crammed in with him 

It's hard to hear over that dim   

Hi my name is Lotte and welcome to my blog like yesterday and the day before we are doing different types of poem and today's poem kind is clerihew poems which are a bit like epatahs-they are always not about an object also clerihew poems are short four line witty poems about the main events and characteristics of that person if you do them right they should be quick funny poems. Today I did four poems but you'll find I only have three on this post that is because my first poem had my full name in it therefore meaning I sadly cannot post it on my blog. Anyways I hope you enjoy my other poems about harry potter rose rivers and lincoln loud. I hope you enjoy this post!     

Wednesday 22 September 2021

More poems

 Here lies Lully-vonbit 

Who was a bully and loved to hit 

But one day she hit glass too hard 

And she died with glass shards in her arm

Here under this darkened earth lies the body of cheetos-bevet

Who would not stop eating doritos

His body grew fat and that was before he ate a cat 

So his tummy exploded and that cat became a mat 

Here lies Zapple the apple  

Who was fatter than a cattle 

Then one day he found a giant orange on the ground  

Who found Zapple nice and juicy and ate poor Zapple up until he didn't say another sound  

Hello my name is Lotte and welcome to my blog! 

For the next two weeks for T shaped literacy we are doing different types of poems and today's poem was Epitaphs if you don't know what Epitaphs are they are short sayings engraved on deads peoples tombstones they are meant to sersos things but today we were experimenting with them being silly and funny. I hope you enjoy my three Epitaphs but I would recommend checking out my friends kaitlyn and elise's Epitaphs.

Stay safe! 


Tuesday 21 September 2021





attention drawing 

nevering ending temptation 

Hi welcome to my blog!! As you can probably see we are doing acrostic poems and it was really fun because it turned into a bit of a competition between cats and dogs (I am putting my poem about dogs below) I am a cat fan and so is my table buddy and BFF elise so we basically started a mini war of words and it was so fun (I think cat lovers won! yay )    stay safe 

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Paralympic ad


Hello welcome to my blog! Today for paralympic research in our final lesson we had to create an advertisement  the recent paralympic games I did it with elise and daisy and we talked about what changes the paralympic committee made to make the paralympic village more accessible to the athletes and what's great about this paralympics. I hope you enjoy this post! And are convinced by our ad to watch the paralympics. 
Ps if you can't hear us properly I'm sending through a script.

Lotte: hello and welcome to the 2020 Paralympic games! I’m your host tessy brown and with me today is paralympic association chief executive holly beckman, Hello holly! Can you tell us about some of the changes that the paralympic committee has made to make the paralympic village more accessible to the athletes.

  Elise: yes we have made certain changes to the village to ensure that our athletes feel safe inside the facility such as wider doorways so that multiple 

 Wheelchair users can pass each other, also there are adjustable beds so people of all disabilities can sleep in them and feel comfortable. Other changes include a 24 hour cafe, great mobile seversis so athletes can contact family at any time and last but not least relaxing and fun views.

Lotte: And finally the question that's been on everyone's mind, what's amazing about this year's paralympics?

Elise: this year's paralympics is AWESOME. This year we have upgraded hotels,MUCH more people and of course the most amazing athletes EVER so thank you for watching this ad but an even better thing to do would be WATCHING THE PARALYMPICS!!!

Daisy: ohhhh I really want to watch the paralympic games now. Maybe one day i can go to the paralympics, oh wait i cant sooooo ill make me ( pulls out knife and cuts arm) Ow, i can go now, ow!



Thursday 9 September 2021

First day back from Lockdown


Hi, Hello today we are back at school from Lockdown and to ease back into the routine of normal school with this google drawing on how we feel about our first day back from lockdown. I felt happy to see my friends and get propley out of the house but also nervous about this new delta varent and that I am too young to get a coivd vaccine. 
How do you feel about going back to school after Lockdown?
I hope you enjoy this post!     

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Mascot para team


Hello today I had to design a mascot for the paralympic team in tokyo it was actually competition but they had already chosen the winner so I was doing it for fun. My mascot was hard to make because I did out of shapes on google drawing. I hope you enjoy this post!  

Monday 6 September 2021

Stuff writing

 Paralympics games 2020-Disability no barrier for our paralympic greats in a paralympics like no other. 

When the 2020 olympics games was postponed to the flowing year many hoped that the coivd-19 crisis would be over unfortunately, they couldn’t of been more wrong with the delta strain now ripping through the world our paralympians are shining a light of hope to us all, by facing yet another life changing challenge. 

The New Zealand paralympic team has set a target of 22 medals over the course of 22 different sports located in 21 different venues across the tokyo rejoin. At the start of the last day of the paralympic games our paralympic team has a total of 12 medals (6 gold 3 silver 3 bronze) while at the top of the medal table china has 96 gold's 60 silver and 51 bronze reaching an incredible total 207 medals over 11 days. New Zealand is currently sitting 21st on the medal table. 

Even before coivd this year's paralympic games were labeled ‘’a games like no other’’ because of how much money was going into specialist equipment to make the paralympics fairer for all competitors unlike in the first official paralympic games in 1964 where the olympians were treated very differently from the paralympics who were barely acknowledged at all ‘’ the only disability allowed back then was a wheelchair’’ says an unnamed paralympian that competed in the 1964 paralympic games. 

Our paralympians have truly made us proud, showing up the world's best with the New Zealand flag draped around their backs.    

Hi welcome to my blog! today still continuing with my paralympic slide we had to write an article on the paralympics pretending we worked for stuff (a online newspaper basicly) we had to include medal target a little history and a big start. The hardest part of this task was trying to make a title that draws in people So I hope you enjoy this post.