Wednesday 30 June 2021

Five jobs

 Medical doctor:


A medical doctor or GP (general practitioner) works in the hospital assisting the nurses and working late hours. It takes 11 years to become a proper doctor. After your bachelor degree you will work in the hospital in your first three years as a junior doctor. Working as a doctor is a very demanding job but it often makes people feel good knowing they have helped someone. Doctors are paid by the government and get about 92,000 dollars a year.  

How they were affected by the covid crisis 

Doctors were affected by covid by crushing depression effects as well as a nationwide shortage  of hospital supplies. Because many doctors work shifts late into the night they also become exhausted.  

Farm worker


Farming is the backbone of New Zealand without them our economy would be dead, our farms provide us with: milk, meat, cotton, wool eggs, apples, pears, berries, wine, nuts… The list goes on. For farming you don’t need any specific entries but it is best if you know the basics, having a family farm can be easily good for this.

How were they affected by the pandemic?

Farmers all over the country were affected by covid 19 a shortage of ships from overseas bringing in feed for the winter days or when the grass was all eaten. So this year farmers instead of depending on other contrys they had to bail their hay much earlier than usual.



Veterinarians vets work with sick or injured animals to help them feel better. Vets get paid around 67,000 dollars. If you become a vet the hours that you work can be long and unsocial with animals biting and scratching. 

How were they affected by coivd?

Vets all over the country were flooded with sick and injured pets as well as homeless kittens that nobody wanted to take into their home. With their cages up to full capacity some cats even had to be left on roads.   



Midwives are nurses who especially look after new born baby’s in the first six weeks of the baby's life. To become a midwife you must complete a bachelor;s degree of midwifery. Midwives get paid around 49,000 each year. 

How were nurses impacted by corniviras?

Midwives like nurses and doctors struggled with the crisis by dealing with a nationwide population growth as well as many midwives retiring, even now there still is a storage of midwives around the country. 



Chefs cook and prepare foods for restaurants, cafes and hotels without them having these businesses is impossible. There are no specific requirements to become a chef and if you love food and are good at cooking you could have the chance to open your own restaurants.

How were they affect by the crisis 

Many chefs around the country retired in the crisis due to the Lockdown where all their customers dried up. Even the chef that survived the crisis still didn’t have the businesses they did before. 

Hello everyone welcome to my blog, over the past two days we have been looking at jobs!, this does not mean we are choosing jobs for the rest of our life or we can't change what we want to be It just means we are doing a little study on jobs. Today we had to read an artificial on the top twenty jobs in new Zealand and choose five to write some facts on and how they were affected by coivd 19. I hope you enjoy this post!


Thursday 24 June 2021

Fossil fuel podcast


Bonjour! kia ora! hola! and hello welcome back to my blog! Today is a finishing off day for my class
and this is the last thing I have to do. For something in presenting my work and being BTB (better than before)I chose a podcast to present my topic. My inquiry topic I chose was fossil fuels because they cause climate change and I am interested in the planet. The hardest part about this task was finding out how to download the podcast onto my blog but my friend daisy helped me do that. I hope you enjoyed this post.  

Octopus information report


Octopi is an eight-legged animal with the brain in each leg. Octopuses or octopie are intelligent and tricky creatures that lurk under the surface of the ocean. In this information report about octopus, you will find ordered with a subheading, topic sentence facts on an octopus habitat, predators, different species, and prey.  


Octopuses live in many different places under the ocean. 

Octopi can be found in kelp forests and sometimes coral reefs. Octopi tends to prefer waters meaning they live in the sunlight zone. They can also live in tidal rockpools where using their soft body they can disguise themselves as oddly shaped rocks.  Octopi also has no skeleton so they can squeeze into tight places. 


Octopi has a range of predators...

Here are some of the predators of an octopus: Seals, fish, conger eels, sea otters, moray eels, dolphins, many birds, sperm whales, and sharks. Octopi have clever ways to defend themselves against predators one of these is expelling themselves out of water when they are threatened.

Different species  

There are a lot of different species of octopus around the world.

There are 300 species of octopus, for example, some include the coconut octopus, blanket octopus, and the California two-spot octopus. Some species of octopus are rarer than others. Different species live in different environments such as the pressure under the sea. Here are some other species of octopus: blue-ringed, giant pacific, common, and Caribbean reef octopus.


Octopuses eat a lot of different sea creatures.
Octopus feed on crabs, clams, snails, small fish, and sometimes even other octopus! Octopie is one of the most intelligent creatures in the sea to catch their prey. Octopie also has a source of venom and in one species (the blue-ringed octopus)  the venom is deadly to humans. 

In conclusion, the octopus is an intelligent and credible creature I hope you learned something new about the amazing creature by reading this report. 

Caption: Hello everyone I hope you are all well and welcome back to my blog! Over the past few weeks, we have been working in groups on an information report about octopus to work on topic sentences and paragraphs first we did a draft copy, and then we all did it separately on our blogs. I hope you enjoy this post! 



Monday 21 June 2021

Fossil fuels


There’s no doubt about it, fossil fuels are one of the most dangerous threats to the current climate, the more released into the atmosphere the more damage it causes. But still here in the 21st century! Believe it or not, not everyone knows about them as they should. So what are they?  

Fossil fuels are fuels or substances that can be burned into fuels that transmit large amounts of carbon dioxide. This alone is responsible for over eighty-nine percent of the planet's warming. The main three contributors of fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, and natural gas. While natural gas had always been frozen in the ground, lately in recent centuries aided with a Huge increase in mining for ramping up oil production meaning all that permafrost that has been melting in the ground causing an almost double in the rate of climate change.  

What do we really use them for?

This is a good question, but unfortunately, the answer is a lot of things: cars, trains, factories, mining, and even kitchen appliances. The fact is that fossils are now a part of human life whether we like it or not. It is in the car to even do the simple task of turning on the stove.  “Part of our life and steadily increasing”  is the warning from scientists all around the planet. Making climate change causes more climate change. An example of this is Antarctica's ice because it is so white smooth and shiny it results in the sun reflecting the ozone layer melting it, the more ozone disappears, and the sun gets hotter. This is called the positive and negative effect, and the bad news is it is powered by fossil fuels.  But then we come to the hard question of do we really need Them?  Sadly in this day and age, we as humans seemed to create a system where we depend on them, but luckily as modern technology evolves we can possibly use new safer more-environment friendly ways and connections in our regular lives, this means things like renewable electricity such as solar wind hydro and even coconut oil all of these things may be deemed as small by some but if we can introduce them to over half of population it would contribute to a much larger cost. The disappointment of this is that it is not happening fast enough. If we continue to do nothing (which thankfully today isn't looking so likely)  it is going to turn into a race between humans and climate change. 

Thursday 17 June 2021

Humpback whale DLO


Hello and welcome back to my blog!
 Today the year sevens went to a career expo ( and met William pike!) and the year sixes (me) went into naghere the class below us. Our usual teacher miss Farr was in there so she made the whole class do a DLO on humpback whales. In it we had to at least include where they live, body parts and what they eat. This (through stressful) was very fun for me because I love the ocean. There was house points up for grabs so that was another reason I loved the task. The hardest part of this task was getting the information I wanted down on the amount of time I had, but I think a did alright in that in the end. I hope you enjoy this post!      

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Word of the week


Today for word of the week the word is Reciprocal! Reciprocal means something that is the same on both sides, an example of this is if you like someone they can answer back saying I feel reciprocal. The hardest part of this task was finding a picture. I hope you enjoy this post!  

Friday 11 June 2021

Pastel art

Today for something different my teacher should do some blending/ pastel art. As you can see In the background there are many different shapes but they all are the same colour this makes my person in the middle pop out of the paper. This was really fun because it was a relaxed activity and I like art. I hope you enjoy this post!   


Thursday 10 June 2021

novel study slide


Today I am fishing off novel study and this is a slide on the book. The hardest part of this task is the slide it self is quite long and hard. I hope you enjoy this post! 

My brothers war novel study

Today for novel study my class all did posters on there books. We have been studying a few famous novels by reading groups, my reading group is reading my brothers war by David hill. In this task we had to include: a plot, theme, characters, setting and moral. As you can see I have drawn a picture of the main character William. The hardest part of this task was drawing William. I hope you enjoy this post!       


Wednesday 9 June 2021

word of the week


Today for word of the week our word is resilience. To show us further what resilience is our teacher mrs robins show us a video of the adventure race, the hardest race on earth! I hope you enjoy this post!  

Tuesday 8 June 2021

explaining suffix's


Today for spelling we had to make a DLO (digital learning object) about suffix's. The hardest part about this task was trying to explain some of the rules of suffix's such as the three syllable rule ( as I explain) I hope you enjoy this post!