Tuesday 14 December 2021

SLJ activity

Hello and welcome to the summer learning journey! If you don't know what the summer learning journey is it is a program installed over summer where children an improve there reading skills instead of letting them drop. Today's activity we found a space related image and used the astronaut coloring book to make it almost whatever color we felt like as shown above. This task really is quite relaxing so I advise it  if you are feeling stressed. I hope you enjoy this post!     


Tuesday 7 December 2021

My backround


Hello ! welcome  to my blog today with our buddy class we did an activity about our background/culture. I did a little bit about my grandparents my parents and at the end myself and my links to the family. The hardest part about this task was thinking where I was from. I hope you enjoy this post.     

Monday 6 December 2021

Food for voyage

If I went on a three week journey this is the food I would bring:

Bread (LOTS OF BREAD) and cheese (perferabley brie) 

 48 cans of Canned baby corn And can opener

Beef jerky 

Canned peaches 

Vegetables (such as broccoli) 


Freshwater (not food)  fishing rod (still not food) 


Canned spaghetti and meatballs       


Hello! Today I am with my buddy lexi from takutai! ( My class is helping a younger class get into blogging) And together we are doing a warm up activity for the SLJ (summer learning journey) The activity was imaging if we went on a three week long voyage but we were asked to bring our own food. Now I know that the cheese won't last that long but I just felt like cheese. I hope you this  this post!    

Friday 19 November 2021

Muesli making


Hello welcome to my blog for weeks now we have been planning our own nutritious muesli and today we made it! First, we had to look at nutrition facts then we had to make our own recipe then we had to study and taste miss farrs muesli and base our recipe off that then we had to make a list and this week me mad ethe muesli I found this task to be a lot of fun and I have my own muesli for breakfast now! I hope you enjoy this post!  

Friday 12 November 2021

LiL miss witch

Hello welcome to my blog! Over the last two weeks we have been working on Mr men and little miss books, then we had to make our own mine is Lil miss witch a witch through she has all the magic in the world she doesn't have any friends. I hope you enjoy this post!   

Friday 29 October 2021

Fish creation


Today we watched the cybersmart lesson seven about making a fish on  google drive I found this activity extremely fun and we had a competition on who could make the best fish miss farr said that tanes winning so far so go and check out his. I personally found the hardest part of this task was grouping the shapes together to make them look like a real (ish) fish. I hope you enjoy this post!     

Miss farrs famous musil


Hello today while the year sevens were at tech us year sixes were continuing with our nutrition unit and as promised miss farr brought in her home made muesli which she brings to school every morning and we all had a small portion I personally enjoyed it but their definitely would be some things I would change not having maple syrup in it for instance. I hope you enjoyed this post!   

Friday 22 October 2021

Matariki Vs Diwali


Hi bonjour! kia ora. I hope you are having a lovely sunny day! or if not that's fine! Today for our end-of-year Christmas concert (based on celebrations we chose) And my class chose Diwali if you don't know what Diwali is it is the Hindu celebration of the sources of light winning over the powers of the dark. So we were comparing Diwali against our amazing tradition Matariki. The hardest part of this task was finding differences between the two (as you might see they have LOT in common)  I hope you enjoy this post!   

Cereal nutrient compare


Hello welcome to my blog today continuing with our food nutrient unit we have created a slide on some of our favorite cereals I did this slide with my best friends katie and elise. On each slide is the name of the cereal and its rating in energy fat sugar dietary fire and sodium per hundred grams. I hope this slide opens your eyes to the world of what you eat everyday it certainly did for me. I hope you enjoy this post!       

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Quatrain poems

 The breeze is fresh and free 

And it spikes a fire inside of me 

Nature is so pretty and sweet 

And from it I shall never retreat

The mountains above queenstown are crisp and clear 

With snowy caps full of beautiful fire 

Which lets no person staring at them full of fear 

No these are mountains for everyone to desire 

The grass is green 

The mountains are white 

The sky is blue 

And full of light 

Trees grow everywhere 

Strong thick, their beauty is clear

With colors red green and sometimes yellow    

No One looking at them could possibly lear 

Hello my name is Lotte and welcome to my blog! Today we are doing Quatrain poems if you don't know what a Quatrain is, it is a poem that originated in france and the way of defining it is that its a rhyming poem with basically no boundaries except a rhyming scheme but the good thing about Quatrains are that you can use all of the rhyming schemes as you can see above I have used the rhyming schemes AABB, ABAB ABCC and ABCB. I hope you enjoy this post!          



Monday 27 September 2021

Limerick poems

 There once was a dog named cat 

Who looked like an overweight cat 

Then he fell into hole 

And got renamed pole 

Some people helped by using  bat

There once was a clown named brown 

Who went crazy and burnt down the whole town 

He started to grin 

But he fell in a bin 

And now people could wear there fancy gowns

Kia ora welcome to my blog I hope you are having a lovely day so far. Today for poems we are doing Limericks are super fun but also have a lot of tencinal things when your making them for example it has  specific rhyming scheme where the the 1 line and the 2 line rhymes with each other and also the 5 line while all the other lines rhyme. The hardest part about this task is measuring the syllables in a limerick there has be a specific number of syllables making it really hard to rhyme and stay inside the sturter of a limerick but I somehow managed to do it. I hope you enjoy this post!   


Friday 24 September 2021


Hello today we are doing calendar art calendar art is art we do around this time of (this year we left it a bit late because of Lockdown) for our parents to display for the next year (that why its says 2022) We do calendar art every year and the theme is different this year the theme is place we want to go and I chose the queenstown and arrowtown mountains we also used warm and cool colors to create a contrasting effect. I hope you enjoy this post!        


3 things I would change about the world


Hello hola bonjour! welcome to my blog today I finished everything so I am doing my blog contract a blog contract are about twenty activities on a grid on my class site and they are for spare time I chose 3 things I would change about the world and did with my best friend elise I did climate change and a world without cancer because all of the people in my lifetime that have died because of cancer which has made me develop a bad fear of them .The hardest part about this task was talking about the experiences and fear I have had relating to cancer. I hope you enjoy this post!  



Hi Hello Hola bonjour kia ora I hope you are having a lovely day. Today for maths we are looking at transformations such as rotations reflections and translation, I did this slide with my best friend elise (who is also my table buddy yay) and you can see the slides I have done because they will say what kind of transformation they are above them. The hardest part of this task was trying to find logos that actually have transformations in them. I hope you enjoy this post!

Capillary Action


Hello I hope you are having a lovely day today! Today while the year sevens were at tech we looked at the capillary effect and made a slide about it in this slide you will find Equipment my beforehand prediction the Method and The science behind the experiment. There wasn't really a hard part of this task because I LOVE science so sorry if some of the slides are a little hard to understand. I hope this post inspires you to do it or do your own experiment to help get more people into science. I hope you enjoy this post!       

Thursday 23 September 2021

Clerihew poems

 Harry potter

Was a rotter 

One with sparkles and flair 

But one day he got stuck in old snapes lair 

Rose rivers

Was among vicious readers 

And when she became friends with her servants 

She got in trouble with her parents 

Lincoln loud

Was small and proud

With ten sisters crammed in with him 

It's hard to hear over that dim   

Hi my name is Lotte and welcome to my blog like yesterday and the day before we are doing different types of poem and today's poem kind is clerihew poems which are a bit like epatahs-they are always not about an object also clerihew poems are short four line witty poems about the main events and characteristics of that person if you do them right they should be quick funny poems. Today I did four poems but you'll find I only have three on this post that is because my first poem had my full name in it therefore meaning I sadly cannot post it on my blog. Anyways I hope you enjoy my other poems about harry potter rose rivers and lincoln loud. I hope you enjoy this post!     

Wednesday 22 September 2021

More poems

 Here lies Lully-vonbit 

Who was a bully and loved to hit 

But one day she hit glass too hard 

And she died with glass shards in her arm

Here under this darkened earth lies the body of cheetos-bevet

Who would not stop eating doritos

His body grew fat and that was before he ate a cat 

So his tummy exploded and that cat became a mat 

Here lies Zapple the apple  

Who was fatter than a cattle 

Then one day he found a giant orange on the ground  

Who found Zapple nice and juicy and ate poor Zapple up until he didn't say another sound  

Hello my name is Lotte and welcome to my blog! 

For the next two weeks for T shaped literacy we are doing different types of poems and today's poem was Epitaphs if you don't know what Epitaphs are they are short sayings engraved on deads peoples tombstones they are meant to sersos things but today we were experimenting with them being silly and funny. I hope you enjoy my three Epitaphs but I would recommend checking out my friends kaitlyn and elise's Epitaphs.

Stay safe! 


Tuesday 21 September 2021





attention drawing 

nevering ending temptation 

Hi welcome to my blog!! As you can probably see we are doing acrostic poems and it was really fun because it turned into a bit of a competition between cats and dogs (I am putting my poem about dogs below) I am a cat fan and so is my table buddy and BFF elise so we basically started a mini war of words and it was so fun (I think cat lovers won! yay )    stay safe 

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Paralympic ad


Hello welcome to my blog! Today for paralympic research in our final lesson we had to create an advertisement  the recent paralympic games I did it with elise and daisy and we talked about what changes the paralympic committee made to make the paralympic village more accessible to the athletes and what's great about this paralympics. I hope you enjoy this post! And are convinced by our ad to watch the paralympics. 
Ps if you can't hear us properly I'm sending through a script.

Lotte: hello and welcome to the 2020 Paralympic games! I’m your host tessy brown and with me today is paralympic association chief executive holly beckman, Hello holly! Can you tell us about some of the changes that the paralympic committee has made to make the paralympic village more accessible to the athletes.

  Elise: yes we have made certain changes to the village to ensure that our athletes feel safe inside the facility such as wider doorways so that multiple 

 Wheelchair users can pass each other, also there are adjustable beds so people of all disabilities can sleep in them and feel comfortable. Other changes include a 24 hour cafe, great mobile seversis so athletes can contact family at any time and last but not least relaxing and fun views.

Lotte: And finally the question that's been on everyone's mind, what's amazing about this year's paralympics?

Elise: this year's paralympics is AWESOME. This year we have upgraded hotels,MUCH more people and of course the most amazing athletes EVER so thank you for watching this ad but an even better thing to do would be WATCHING THE PARALYMPICS!!!

Daisy: ohhhh I really want to watch the paralympic games now. Maybe one day i can go to the paralympics, oh wait i cant sooooo ill make me ( pulls out knife and cuts arm) Ow, i can go now, ow!



Thursday 9 September 2021

First day back from Lockdown


Hi, Hello today we are back at school from Lockdown and to ease back into the routine of normal school with this google drawing on how we feel about our first day back from lockdown. I felt happy to see my friends and get propley out of the house but also nervous about this new delta varent and that I am too young to get a coivd vaccine. 
How do you feel about going back to school after Lockdown?
I hope you enjoy this post!     

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Mascot para team


Hello today I had to design a mascot for the paralympic team in tokyo it was actually competition but they had already chosen the winner so I was doing it for fun. My mascot was hard to make because I did out of shapes on google drawing. I hope you enjoy this post!  

Monday 6 September 2021

Stuff writing

 Paralympics games 2020-Disability no barrier for our paralympic greats in a paralympics like no other. 

When the 2020 olympics games was postponed to the flowing year many hoped that the coivd-19 crisis would be over unfortunately, they couldn’t of been more wrong with the delta strain now ripping through the world our paralympians are shining a light of hope to us all, by facing yet another life changing challenge. 

The New Zealand paralympic team has set a target of 22 medals over the course of 22 different sports located in 21 different venues across the tokyo rejoin. At the start of the last day of the paralympic games our paralympic team has a total of 12 medals (6 gold 3 silver 3 bronze) while at the top of the medal table china has 96 gold's 60 silver and 51 bronze reaching an incredible total 207 medals over 11 days. New Zealand is currently sitting 21st on the medal table. 

Even before coivd this year's paralympic games were labeled ‘’a games like no other’’ because of how much money was going into specialist equipment to make the paralympics fairer for all competitors unlike in the first official paralympic games in 1964 where the olympians were treated very differently from the paralympics who were barely acknowledged at all ‘’ the only disability allowed back then was a wheelchair’’ says an unnamed paralympian that competed in the 1964 paralympic games. 

Our paralympians have truly made us proud, showing up the world's best with the New Zealand flag draped around their backs.    

Hi welcome to my blog! today still continuing with my paralympic slide we had to write an article on the paralympics pretending we worked for stuff (a online newspaper basicly) we had to include medal target a little history and a big start. The hardest part of this task was trying to make a title that draws in people So I hope you enjoy this post.              

Tuesday 31 August 2021

History of the Paralympics

Before the 1964 games japan had a low awareness for the disabled, who would if unfortunate enough be put to live alone out of society and were challenged with barriers of eating out, jobs, education, and public transport. The first official (through small) paralympic games did not start in 1964 but instead the rome games of 1948 the paralympic games first started with Dr Ludwig Guttmann who started a spinal clinic in the stoke mandeville hospital just after the war had ended leaving many soldiers strapped to wheel chairs in the summer games of rome in the opening Dr Guttmann organised 18 athletes to attend  this small stoke mandeville games 17 injured soldiers and one woman, little did they know that this stoke mandeville games would turn into something of a global succession. In 1964 with now 375 physically disabled athletes attending the stoke mandeville games they now needed perismision money and help to organise them. So Dr Guttmann held several meetings with Nakamura Yutaka who even visited the hospital in Britain. Finally both men agreed and persuaded others to hold the first official  paralympics in Tokyo Japan a week after the Olympics ended. The paralympics had a big effect on disabled people in japan just a year after the 1964 paralympic games japan had created their own Para sport committee to manage all Para sports in the country soon after that an inventor called Seiichi Miyake invented tenji burokku ( tecial paving) to aid those with visual impairment which is a tile  now used worldwide.        

For this activity we had to read a text on the history of the paralympic games history and how it had effect on the disabled population of japan. Then we had to summarize and put it into our own words I hope you enjoy and learn lots from my paragraph!      


Paralympic games




What was the Tokyo 1964 Paralympics like? 

I felt the games were quite emontail to the paralympians; the opening ceremony just looked like it had been practiced and practised. Also I noticed they didn’t present medals but shields and badges to winners and getting into the stadium was well planned but not perfect.  

What are some differences from the Tokyo 1964 Paralympics  compared to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games ? The opening ceremony is a LOT bigger with light shows but they still walk the athletes around the track. I also noticed that countries like Fiji only had one competitor but today they have around 25. 

What was life like for disabled people in 1964 Japan? 

I think people would be starting to really appreciate the disabled struggles in life and being a lot more friendly and inclusive to them such as making it madaterity for  ramps to go up buildings. 

What changes has Japan made to improve the lives of  disabled people?

They introduced big statiams with ramps they used good advertising to give the para athletes the credit they deserve. Also a lot more athletes have come from 163 different countries!  

Paralympic games


Welcome to the paralympic games!! The paralympic games team have created this slide for years 7 to 10 even through I'm only year six. There are ten lessons on the slide for us to complete over two weeks and today one of the lessons activities is creating and infographic comparing the 1964 games to the 2020 games. I hope you enjoy this post!     

Friday 27 August 2021

Quiz DLO


Today in replacement of our usual weekly quiz we did a copied google Questionnaire after we completed the quiz we were to pick a question that we were interested in I chose the green river because to me it seemed so unlikely and also it was located in Queenstown one of my favorite places in the world. The hardest part about this task was trying to find out what the source of the color was but I found it eventually so everything was okay. I hope you learned a lot and enjoyed this Post!    

Thursday 26 August 2021

Boy on a bike


Hola! Bonjour! kia ora! hello! welcome to my blog today in Lockdown we read and summarized boy on a bike a story of a nine year old kid who wants to raise money for more st john ambulances by biking the length of the north island. The hardest part about this task was briefly summarizing the story because I am not that good a that. I hope you enjoy my post!       

Wednesday 25 August 2021

word of the week Lockdown


Hello today still in lockdown learning I did the word of the week which this week is obligation it might be a bit messy with words overlapping but that's because I couldn't delete some of the words so they just stayed there. I hope you enjoy this post! 

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers


Today in lockdown learning we were sent this slide from our teacher asking us to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers. I found this really easy because our teacher also sent a video explaining how we solve the problem. But the hardest part of this task was finishing all eight slides. I hope you enjoy and stay safe!    

Thursday 19 August 2021

Ashgabat Podcast


Hi  Lotte here. Today in Lockdown I have been researching about Ashgabat a practically abandoned city found in the strange country of Turkmenistan I made a podcast and a podcast script about it. The hardest part of this task was definitely going into Lockdown I had already done some research on it but I had left it at school the day we went into Lockdown but its okay now. I hope you enjoy this post! Kia Kaha stay safe and wash your hands.     

Ashgabat a ghost city

Hello my name is Lotte and today I am informing you about a ghost city called Ashgabat. 

So what is a ghost city? And No, ghost cities are not cities that are haunted, they are just abandoned and ‘’peopleless” but the thing that drew me in about Ashgabat was that it's pretty modern, only built in 1881 just after my school was built just nine years earlier. 

Did you know that Ashgabat has a population of just 864, 695 I know that might seem like a lot with me saying it's abandoned, but actually Fiji, compared to Ashgabat in landmass, a tiny beautiful pacific island has more people in than a huge empty city. 

Ashgabat has beautiful artutere with tall, grand and handsome buildings lining these streets so why is it so deserted? The true reason why Ashgabat is abandoned is thought to be a combination of  dentistry 543 made of pure marble put that with the sun and it can blind you, also Ashgabat is located in Turkmenistan which is one of the rarest visited countries in the entire world.   

As I mentioned just before Ashgabat has the highest amount of colour density in the world, smashing records for it that still haven’t been beaten to this day. Apart from feeling trapped by the high density rates, Ashgabat which have I mentioned is the capital of Turkmenistan is home to sweltering heat. Did you know that some days in the city you can actually fry an egg on the sidewalk. Another reason why Ashgabat is so empty is because of the government, just to step foot in Turkmenistan  they require you to have a specific type of visa and the process getting it is not exactly easy and can go wrong in manys and when you get there your not even allowed to bring about a black vercel into the country because in 2018 the president, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov din’t like them and felt the brought bad luck. Talk about a president's power!

I hope you learned something new from me today. Thank you for reading!

Kia kaha stay safe everyone!


Friday 13 August 2021

Math week


This week we were learning about adding fractions and improper fractions the hardest part about this task was making the numerator and denominator separate. Also because it was maths week we could do questions in the morning in the notices and I got one right. I hope you enjoy this post! 

Spring roll making


Today we while the year sevens and eight were at tech we made spring rolls  it was really fun because we had to chop up the ingredients then roll them up in this this rice pancake thing which looked and felt like slimy plastic we also made peanut butter sauce to go with it. I had never tried any kind of spring roll so I was really nervous because my best friend elise was saying it was yummy while my other best friend katie was saying it tasted gross so I took a bite and it was DELICIOUS! with the chicken and the baby spinach and everything else I thought the only bad thing about it was the texture it tasted like thin rubber with crunchy stuff inside but I enjoyed it anyways.   

Here are some photos:

Thursday 8 July 2021

Aerospace engineer


Hi! Today I am finishing off my T-shaped literacy jobs! For this task I read a supporting text on a Aerospace engineer I also read a created a profile on a museum curator. For both of these I had to put What the job is, Personal requirements for the job specific requirements and what do get paid. The easiest part of this task was adding in how much you get paid in the job. I hope you enjoy this post!     

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Matariki slide


Bonjour! hola! kia ora! Hello and welcome to my blog! In light of it being Matariki my class are all doing this slide about Matariki. In the slide we had to put what we already know what we want to learn and at the end what we have learned. This was a very enjoyable task and the hardest part of it was  putting down what learned because I already know quite a bit about Matariki. I hope you enjoy this post!   

Curator profile


Hello! welcome to my blog. Today I made a profile a about a museum curator, to do this, first we had to read a text about the job and then we had to write down how much they get paid, what do have to do, specific requirements and personal requirements. I hope you enjoy this post!    

Thursday 1 July 2021

Video of buzz test

Today we had to take the buzz test, an online test that based on your answers connects you to what animal you might be. We had to do a video on weather we thought the test was accurate or not. I think it was quite accurate because I got a lion but I also think I could've been something else.      


Wednesday 30 June 2021

Five jobs

 Medical doctor:


A medical doctor or GP (general practitioner) works in the hospital assisting the nurses and working late hours. It takes 11 years to become a proper doctor. After your bachelor degree you will work in the hospital in your first three years as a junior doctor. Working as a doctor is a very demanding job but it often makes people feel good knowing they have helped someone. Doctors are paid by the government and get about 92,000 dollars a year.  

How they were affected by the covid crisis 

Doctors were affected by covid by crushing depression effects as well as a nationwide shortage  of hospital supplies. Because many doctors work shifts late into the night they also become exhausted.  

Farm worker


Farming is the backbone of New Zealand without them our economy would be dead, our farms provide us with: milk, meat, cotton, wool eggs, apples, pears, berries, wine, nuts… The list goes on. For farming you don’t need any specific entries but it is best if you know the basics, having a family farm can be easily good for this.

How were they affected by the pandemic?

Farmers all over the country were affected by covid 19 a shortage of ships from overseas bringing in feed for the winter days or when the grass was all eaten. So this year farmers instead of depending on other contrys they had to bail their hay much earlier than usual.



Veterinarians vets work with sick or injured animals to help them feel better. Vets get paid around 67,000 dollars. If you become a vet the hours that you work can be long and unsocial with animals biting and scratching. 

How were they affected by coivd?

Vets all over the country were flooded with sick and injured pets as well as homeless kittens that nobody wanted to take into their home. With their cages up to full capacity some cats even had to be left on roads.   



Midwives are nurses who especially look after new born baby’s in the first six weeks of the baby's life. To become a midwife you must complete a bachelor;s degree of midwifery. Midwives get paid around 49,000 each year. 

How were nurses impacted by corniviras?

Midwives like nurses and doctors struggled with the crisis by dealing with a nationwide population growth as well as many midwives retiring, even now there still is a storage of midwives around the country. 



Chefs cook and prepare foods for restaurants, cafes and hotels without them having these businesses is impossible. There are no specific requirements to become a chef and if you love food and are good at cooking you could have the chance to open your own restaurants.

How were they affect by the crisis 

Many chefs around the country retired in the crisis due to the Lockdown where all their customers dried up. Even the chef that survived the crisis still didn’t have the businesses they did before. 

Hello everyone welcome to my blog, over the past two days we have been looking at jobs!, this does not mean we are choosing jobs for the rest of our life or we can't change what we want to be It just means we are doing a little study on jobs. Today we had to read an artificial on the top twenty jobs in new Zealand and choose five to write some facts on and how they were affected by coivd 19. I hope you enjoy this post!


Thursday 24 June 2021

Fossil fuel podcast


Bonjour! kia ora! hola! and hello welcome back to my blog! Today is a finishing off day for my class
and this is the last thing I have to do. For something in presenting my work and being BTB (better than before)I chose a podcast to present my topic. My inquiry topic I chose was fossil fuels because they cause climate change and I am interested in the planet. The hardest part about this task was finding out how to download the podcast onto my blog but my friend daisy helped me do that. I hope you enjoyed this post.  

Octopus information report


Octopi is an eight-legged animal with the brain in each leg. Octopuses or octopie are intelligent and tricky creatures that lurk under the surface of the ocean. In this information report about octopus, you will find ordered with a subheading, topic sentence facts on an octopus habitat, predators, different species, and prey.  


Octopuses live in many different places under the ocean. 

Octopi can be found in kelp forests and sometimes coral reefs. Octopi tends to prefer waters meaning they live in the sunlight zone. They can also live in tidal rockpools where using their soft body they can disguise themselves as oddly shaped rocks.  Octopi also has no skeleton so they can squeeze into tight places. 


Octopi has a range of predators...

Here are some of the predators of an octopus: Seals, fish, conger eels, sea otters, moray eels, dolphins, many birds, sperm whales, and sharks. Octopi have clever ways to defend themselves against predators one of these is expelling themselves out of water when they are threatened.

Different species  

There are a lot of different species of octopus around the world.

There are 300 species of octopus, for example, some include the coconut octopus, blanket octopus, and the California two-spot octopus. Some species of octopus are rarer than others. Different species live in different environments such as the pressure under the sea. Here are some other species of octopus: blue-ringed, giant pacific, common, and Caribbean reef octopus.


Octopuses eat a lot of different sea creatures.
Octopus feed on crabs, clams, snails, small fish, and sometimes even other octopus! Octopie is one of the most intelligent creatures in the sea to catch their prey. Octopie also has a source of venom and in one species (the blue-ringed octopus)  the venom is deadly to humans. 

In conclusion, the octopus is an intelligent and credible creature I hope you learned something new about the amazing creature by reading this report. 

Caption: Hello everyone I hope you are all well and welcome back to my blog! Over the past few weeks, we have been working in groups on an information report about octopus to work on topic sentences and paragraphs first we did a draft copy, and then we all did it separately on our blogs. I hope you enjoy this post! 



Monday 21 June 2021

Fossil fuels


There’s no doubt about it, fossil fuels are one of the most dangerous threats to the current climate, the more released into the atmosphere the more damage it causes. But still here in the 21st century! Believe it or not, not everyone knows about them as they should. So what are they?  

Fossil fuels are fuels or substances that can be burned into fuels that transmit large amounts of carbon dioxide. This alone is responsible for over eighty-nine percent of the planet's warming. The main three contributors of fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, and natural gas. While natural gas had always been frozen in the ground, lately in recent centuries aided with a Huge increase in mining for ramping up oil production meaning all that permafrost that has been melting in the ground causing an almost double in the rate of climate change.  

What do we really use them for?

This is a good question, but unfortunately, the answer is a lot of things: cars, trains, factories, mining, and even kitchen appliances. The fact is that fossils are now a part of human life whether we like it or not. It is in the car to even do the simple task of turning on the stove.  “Part of our life and steadily increasing”  is the warning from scientists all around the planet. Making climate change causes more climate change. An example of this is Antarctica's ice because it is so white smooth and shiny it results in the sun reflecting the ozone layer melting it, the more ozone disappears, and the sun gets hotter. This is called the positive and negative effect, and the bad news is it is powered by fossil fuels.  But then we come to the hard question of do we really need Them?  Sadly in this day and age, we as humans seemed to create a system where we depend on them, but luckily as modern technology evolves we can possibly use new safer more-environment friendly ways and connections in our regular lives, this means things like renewable electricity such as solar wind hydro and even coconut oil all of these things may be deemed as small by some but if we can introduce them to over half of population it would contribute to a much larger cost. The disappointment of this is that it is not happening fast enough. If we continue to do nothing (which thankfully today isn't looking so likely)  it is going to turn into a race between humans and climate change. 

Thursday 17 June 2021

Humpback whale DLO


Hello and welcome back to my blog!
 Today the year sevens went to a career expo ( and met William pike!) and the year sixes (me) went into naghere the class below us. Our usual teacher miss Farr was in there so she made the whole class do a DLO on humpback whales. In it we had to at least include where they live, body parts and what they eat. This (through stressful) was very fun for me because I love the ocean. There was house points up for grabs so that was another reason I loved the task. The hardest part of this task was getting the information I wanted down on the amount of time I had, but I think a did alright in that in the end. I hope you enjoy this post!      

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Word of the week


Today for word of the week the word is Reciprocal! Reciprocal means something that is the same on both sides, an example of this is if you like someone they can answer back saying I feel reciprocal. The hardest part of this task was finding a picture. I hope you enjoy this post!  

Friday 11 June 2021

Pastel art

Today for something different my teacher should do some blending/ pastel art. As you can see In the background there are many different shapes but they all are the same colour this makes my person in the middle pop out of the paper. This was really fun because it was a relaxed activity and I like art. I hope you enjoy this post!   


Thursday 10 June 2021

novel study slide


Today I am fishing off novel study and this is a slide on the book. The hardest part of this task is the slide it self is quite long and hard. I hope you enjoy this post! 

My brothers war novel study

Today for novel study my class all did posters on there books. We have been studying a few famous novels by reading groups, my reading group is reading my brothers war by David hill. In this task we had to include: a plot, theme, characters, setting and moral. As you can see I have drawn a picture of the main character William. The hardest part of this task was drawing William. I hope you enjoy this post!       


Wednesday 9 June 2021

word of the week


Today for word of the week our word is resilience. To show us further what resilience is our teacher mrs robins show us a video of the adventure race, the hardest race on earth! I hope you enjoy this post!  

Tuesday 8 June 2021

explaining suffix's


Today for spelling we had to make a DLO (digital learning object) about suffix's. The hardest part about this task was trying to explain some of the rules of suffix's such as the three syllable rule ( as I explain) I hope you enjoy this post!   

Friday 14 May 2021

maths for the week


This week for maths we are looking at fractions and greater than decimals. We had to complete this slide as well as having a daily basic facts test. This is to make sure our maths is up to a high standard.  I hope you enjoy this post.    

Book review


Today for leading up to book week we had write a book review about a picture book and I chose the treehouse of Borneo. This is a book about a little boy that discovers three endangered animals  and must protect them from his father and the other hunters looking out to kill them. This is a engaging heart warming story and I recamend it for anyone who cares about the plantet. Five stars.

Here is my more detailed book review (if you can read it)

Thursday 13 May 2021

word of the week


Today for word of the week the word was Innovation. As an extra challenge instead of just getting a picture off the web, we had to make one ourselves, my picture was of lighting striking a light bulb, making light. I hope you enjoy this post!   

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Term two word of the week


Today for word of the week our word was haughty. The hardest part of this task was finding a picture that matched the sentence I made in my own words. I hope you enjoy this post. 

Friday 16 April 2021

Climet strike


Today after we had done the weekly quiz (my house won) our teacher made us chose a question from the quiz and make DLO (digital learning object) I chose the protest that happened eailer this week and made a small website about it . The hardest part of this task was putting in good work in the limited amount of time we had . I hope you enjoy this post

Thursday 15 April 2021

Designing my own book cover


Today still with Anzac day I read a book on war mascots (animals) and for this task I had to make my own cover for the book. Some of the new Zealand troops brought over horses, cats, tortoises, donkeys, dogs and much more. These were known as a mascot to the troop and was protected and feed by the soldiers it lived with. The hardest part of this task poilining the animals to perfection. I hope you enjoy this post!     

Anzac crossword


This task I decided to maker something fun, and that fun thing is a a CROSSWORD down the bottom is the words you have to find and I have  put some bonus words in there if you want to keep looking. The hardest part of this task was filling the gaps around my hidden words. I hope you enjoy this post!

Book mark/rating review


Hello in this last week of the term is all about Anzac day, we have to do nine different activates! For this one it is still the same book as my last one, Lottie the world war 2 nurse hero .For this task I had to make a book mark add pictures a but a book review  with ratings on it. The hardest part of this task Was rating the book and finding pictures for it. I hope you enjoy this post! 

Lottie the New Zealand nurse


Today for  the upcoming Anzac day I read a book about Lottie a true story of a nurse who went to the second world war while her brother was fighting for New Zealand. The hardest part of this task was tracking her story. I hope you enjoy this post!   

Wednesday 14 April 2021

28 Maori battalion


Today in relation to Anzac day we researched about the 28 Maori battalions a troop of Maori that proudly went off to war. The hardest part of this task was researching and digging in deeper in our work. I hope you enjoy this post! 

Tuesday 13 April 2021

mystery poem can you guess?

 Kenning mystery poem 

big - bouncer 
not- running
pouch- holder 

Hi guys today I am doing a mystery kenning poem. Put your guess in  the comments if no one guesses it I will put a hint each day: today's hint : animal I like this activity because it is very different to what we usually do. Can you guess it? Good luck I    

word of the week


Hello! This week to mix it up a bit our teacher decided that the word of the week should be Maori. As you will see a lot of my sentences and pictures are or related to Maori. The hardest part of this task was finding out what the word acally meant. I hope you enjoy this post!

Thursday 1 April 2021

solar panels, why we need them


Today still continuing on with solar energy I made this drawing on solar panels. In this drawing you'll find how much solar will cost to a school there safety and much more. The hardest part of this task was making sure everything I was putting down was environment friendly. I hope you enjoy this post!  

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Video of energy around our school model

Today continuing on from  my model of energy, I had to make a video explaining how and why we needed solar electricity. As you will see I  have added my answers in the video. The hardest part of this task was trying to be heard over the wind and finding a quite space to record. I hope you enjoy this post.  


model of renewable energy around my school


Hello! today for reading I had to make a model of the school and how and where to put renewable energy sources around our school. I had lots of fun completing this task with my best friend daisy. The hardest park of task was using all the resources that we needed to. I hope you enjoy this post! 

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Having more trees

Hi my name is Lotte and want more trees around the town and country. Having trees around will: Help the environment, make greymouth and the country a more beautiful  popular spot and the health and safety benefits of having a tree around. I hope by the end of this letter that you will agree with me.  

The first reason I want more trees ids the endless benefits. Don't believe me? well here are a few: Oxygen in an hour one tree can provide enough oxygen for day for a family of four. Stress reliever having a bad day at work? The sight of a tree will instantly calm you down and finally energy saver trees can very naturally reduce energy by sucking it in through its bark. Barely any of these benefits can be found with out some how relating to trees. As you might agree with me trees have a lot of benefits that help the planet the other thing about this is they are a renewable resource, meaning they can never run out as long as action is taken by humans plants and animals.            

Trees are a sign of blooming and life anywhere in the world. Even as a city, Christchurch is full of trees, Hagley park and everywhere in between around the city, having trees around not just provides a very natural beauty but almost completely reduces fear and stress. This is one of the main reason Christchurch is a very peaceful coumtiy/ city. I my opinion this is a great move from the city officials because of popularity and comfort it has provided. As you might of noticed towns and city's with more natural beauty tend to be more popular for example: queenstown, lake tekapo, ect

As great as they are trees can cause some very bad accidents. The story of these accidents will often go something like this: a kid that has never probably seen a tree let alone climb one, next they will try and climb the tree...well you can imagine what happens next. So how do we fix this common problem without trees this question is very hard to answer, but with tree this is easy. We could even have half an hour long classes on tree climbing and planting trees to stabilise the future. Having one tree at our school I can tell you right now that you will find about one hundred kids from my school alone.   

In conclusion I want more trees to help build a better more sustainable future for me and the other children of today tomorrow. I hope after you have read this letter that you will now agree with me and take immediate Action to my requests.  

Sincerely Lotte     


Podcast on energy


Today for reading I did a podcast called kiddie talk with my friends daisy and Elise. The podcast was about how a small island in the middle of Pacific of the ocean gets renewable energy/electricity. The hardest part of this task was making good info in our own words. I hope you enjoy this post!       

Friday 26 March 2021

word of the week


today the word of the week was aesthetic. The hardest part of this task was doing it in time for golden time. I hope you enjoy this post 

Tuesday 23 March 2021

brain storm on solar and wind energy


Today we did a brain storm on wind and solar energy we had to answer two questions: how does the wind and sun effect our lives and what activities involve these two types of energy. The hardest part of this task was making enough information. I hope you enjoy post!      

Friday 19 March 2021

ocean quiz


Today we are doing our blog contract and I chose a quiz about the ocean. In the quiz you have to chose different answers and trry and get them right. Elise daisy and katie helped me make it. I hoped you enjoy this post!  

Thursday 18 March 2021

modelling energy


For this task today for reading we had to make a model on representing energy and modelling it. What I would like to better is using my time better and having more time. The hardest part of this task is getting enough information and detail as well as making it look good. I hope you enjoy this post! 

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Master word of the week


Today the word of the week was erratic. Each week our teacher chooses a word for us to fill up this google drawing.  The hardest part of this task to me was getting enough information on the drawing in my own words. I hope you enjoy this post!    

Friday 12 March 2021

Oil spills

 Paradise in Peril

WALT: Make connections between texts.

Task: Watch this  Mauritius Oil Spill Video and answer the following questions. Now compare the two oil spill disasters. What is the same and different about the events and their impact..


Who owned the vessel? japan

How much oil was on board? 4,000

Where is Mauritius?  Southeastern coast  of Mauritius 

Why might the government describe the area as ‘sensitive’? Because it's a small island depending on the ocean

What are some problems that Mauritius may face? The environmental effect and the economy  

What have the people of Mauritius already done to clean up the spill? They have collected  hair and straw to suck up the oil 

Where was the tanker travelling? To the island 

Who is Happy Khambule? An afraica senior and energy campaign  manager. 

What is the same / different about the Mauritus spill and the MV Rena spill in New Zealand?

Mauritus Spill

Both spills

New Zealand Spill

4,000 tonsThey both had big impacts on the the environment and economy 36,00 tons