Thursday 25 June 2020


By Daisy and Lotte
Without trees, we wouldn’t be able to survive because trees not only filter carbon dioxide they also make oxygen our bodies need this because we need oxygen to breathe in to pump out all the carbon dioxide in our bodies.

 Trees provide us a lot of supplies from their wood without trees we wouldn't have the number of things we have now, trees (coral) are even needed underwater, they do the same as job as the ones on land do except it’s in water, eg. provide shelter and supplies and filter the water as trees do in the air.

Trees provide birds with a place to build nests and eat food. Some trees give us the food we need to survive with e.g mangoes, apples, oranges, pears e.t.c Some trees have hollow basins that are filled with water. Some trees sap can be made into medicine. 

Trees and plants are also a HUGE part of ecosystems because they are producers taking them out would destroy the world they also take a big part of the biodiversity web ( it means a tangle of food chains and species)  for example if you introduce a new species to remove trees from an ecosystem the whole ecosystem would slowly die because they would not have enough food and they have increasing numbers of the induced species, that is why trees are so important.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog post but make the words stay in the post thank's lotte


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