Thursday 7 May 2020

The magic tree

The tree was all that remained. A solitary figure stood there in defiance of the destruction surrounding it. The bark had begun to peel away, one piece at a time, joining the wreckage of other trees that lay scattered across the scorched earth. This tree was different from the other trees. It contained magic. It contained hope...the other trees had been slashed to the ground helpless and moaning, maybe the pain of losing its friends made it stronger for many years humans were foolish and believed that trees had no feelings, not now, not any more humans had everything in ruins it all started with an evil family who vowed to destroy all creatures maybe even humans, a silk evil bloodstream of hatred ran in their blood, nothing could stop them on one fateful night two children were sleeping soundly their mind’s blissfully blank then suddenly they were awoken by a sudden rearing noise, they leaped out of bed there hearts full of horror and shock. Where their once was a forest there lay the wreckage of trees now only two remained, now went for the skinner of the two after a number of seconds, he was a goner. The children didn’t need to hear their cruel laughter to know how bad these people's hearts were. Feeling helpless the watch as they turned their attention to the last tree in the world, they lifted the ax up high but then… light slashed the horizon burning everything in its road the men fell back in pain and trees trunk uncurled revealing a secret passage with a magical greenish glow as if a magic magnet was dragging them they leaped in. It was a whole new world filled to the brim with magic, they watched as fairies floated high above the ground, and everyone was equal. They watched as a fairy much bigger than the other flew to the ground and she also had a crown on her head. She looked like she had been carved out of wood which she probably had been. When she reached the ground she looked the children strait in eye the with great alarm, she said:” the world is in danger it is too late to try and retrieve the trees that we have lost but there still is time to plant more”.              

Can you continue the story? What is so different about this tree? What has happened to the other trees around it? 

Question time! 
What do you think has caused the destruction all around the tree? 
Why has this one tree survived? It has unspeakably powerful magic only those who look properly can see it.  
If you walked through the portal, what would happen to you? What would you see? I would see dragons and other mythical creatures such as the loch ness monster.    
If this is a portal to another world, would you go through it or stay on Earth, even if you had no idea what could happen? I would take the risk because some risks pay off and it might even lead to a better world without COVID-19. 
Is it good to take risks? not always sometimes you can look at the perspective of the risk to decide whether not to do it. Are some risks riskier than others? Yes 
Sentence challenge! 
A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between one thing and another. 
It may tell you where a thing is in relation to something else. E.g. The green, shining door appeared inside the tree. It may tell you when something is in relation to another event. E.g. The portal would not close until the electrical storm had ended. Can you find any prepositions in your writing? Can you write 2 sentences that contain prepositions? The birds could not fly without the power of the sun.
The portal could not open until the last tree had been cut, that was when the world really needed its help.

Sick sentences! 
These sentences are ‘sick' and need help to get better. Can you help? 
► The tree stood, shimming the moonlight it was now it only friend his other ones had been sliced to the ground helpless, but little did humans know that there was a secret land hidden in the lurking knots and branches of the tree.

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